Whispers in spanish

Translation: whispers, Dictionary: english » spanish

Source language:
Target language:
susurros, susurra, murmullos, rumores, los susurros
Whispers in spanish
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the whispers, whispers loggia, whispers lyrics, whispers in loggia, order of whispers, whispers language dictionary spanish, whispers in spanish


  • whispering in spanish - susurro, cuchicheo, Whispering, susurrando, susurros
  • whisperingly in spanish - un susurro, susurrando
  • whist in spanish - al whist, de whist, el whist, del whist
  • whistle in spanish - pitido, pitar, silbar, silbato, pito
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Whispers in spanish - Dictionary: english » spanish
Translations: susurros, susurra, murmullos, rumores, los susurros