Inflection in french

Translation: inflection, Dictionary: english » french

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flexion, inflexion, l'inflexion, d'inflexion, inflexions
Inflection in french
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Related words: inflection

inflection point, inflection points, point of inflection, points of inflection, find inflection points, inflection language dictionary french, inflection in french


  • inflected in french - fléchie, infléchi, infléchie, infléchis, fléchi
  • inflecting in french - infléchissant, infléchir, flexionnelle, fléchies
  • inflectional in french - flexionnel, flexionnelle, flexion, flexionnelles, inflexion
  • inflections in french - inflexions, flexions, des inflexions, les inflexions, inflexions de
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Inflection in french - Dictionary: english » french
Translations: flexion, inflexion, l'inflexion, d'inflexion, inflexions