Inherentan na engleskom

Prijevod: inherentan, Rječnik: hrvatski » engleski

Izvorni jezik:
Ciljani jezik:
inherent, inherent in, inherent to, an inherent, is inherent
Inherentan na engleskom
Povezane riječi
Drugi jezici

Sinonimi & Prijevodi: inherentan

  • inherentan
  • nerazdvojiv

Povezane riječi: inherentan

inherentan značenje, inherentan definicija, inherentan recnik, inherentan je, inherentan sta znaci, inherentan rječnik engleski, inherentan na engleskom


  • infrastrukturnih na engleskom - infrastructure, infrastructural, of infrastructure, of infrastructural, the infrastructure
  • infrastrukturu na engleskom - infrastructure, the infrastructure, infrastructure of
  • inhibirati na engleskom - inhibit, inhibit the, inhibiting, of inhibiting, inhibited
  • inicijal na engleskom - initial, the initial, initial of
Nasumične riječi
Inherentan na engleskom - Rječnik: hrvatski » engleski
Prijevodi: inherent, inherent in, inherent to, an inherent, is inherent