Должностной in english

Translation: должностной, Dictionary: russian » english

Source language:
Target language:
official, job, the job, of official, of the job
Должностной in english
Related words

Synonyms & Translations: должностной

  • официальный
  • служебный
  • должностной
  • казенный
  • формальный
  • принятый в медицине и фармакопее


  • должник in english - debtor, borrower, obligor, the debtor, debtor is, a debtor
  • должное in english - tribute, due, tribute to, granted, proper
  • должность in english - funk-hole, capacity, station, situation, appointment, consultancy, post, ...
  • должный in english - indebted, due, owing, appurtenant, proper, the proper, a must, ...
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Должностной in english - Dictionary: russian » english
Translations: official, job, the job, of official, of the job