Påräkna in english

Translation: påräkna, Dictionary: swedish » english

Source language:
Target language:
await, anticipate, expect, wait, count, count on, count upon, to count, reckon
Påräkna in english
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Synonyms & Translations: påräkna

count upon
  • påräkna


  • påpasslig in english - attentive, opportunistic, courteous, the attentive, suitable for the modern
  • påringning in english - ring, phone call, ringing, ringing phase, the ringing phase
  • påskrift in english - superscription, signature, endorsement, inscription, phrase, endorsements, markings
  • påskynda in english - quicken, hasten, speeding, expedite, accelerate, accelerating, accelerating the
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Påräkna in english - Dictionary: swedish » english
Translations: await, anticipate, expect, wait, count, count on, count upon, to count, reckon